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to copy the lotus sūtra at one sitting
一日经  detail>>
at one sitting
一口气地  detail>>
in one sitting
都是状语  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 1.(丧失自由受人役使的人) bondservant; 农奴 serf 2.(姓氏) a surname  短语和例子   奴伟 n...  detail>>
one day sitting in a tree
坐在树上  detail>>
finish reading a book at one sitting
一口气读完一本书  detail>>
every one has a copy
人手一册  detail>>
original passport and one copy
护照正本及复印件一份  detail>>
print one copy
打印一份拷贝 打印一个备份  detail>>
one coil tra former
单线圈变压器  detail>>
one copy of drawings to be kept on site
现场要保留的一套图纸  detail>>
one copy of life-saving signals
救生信号表复印件一份  detail>>
at a sitting
一口气地  detail>>
 n.  1.坐,就座,就席,坐的姿势;充当(绘画[摄影]的)模特儿。 2.开会,开庭;会期,开庭期间。 3.(坐)一次,一气,一股劲儿。 ...  detail>>
original ielts test report and one copy
雅思成绩原件0以及复印件一份  detail>>
 n.  1.【希腊神话】忘忧树;(吃后就忘记一切、流连忘返的)忘忧果。 2.【植物;植物学】莲属;白睡莲;百脉根属。 3.【建筑】荷花饰,莲饰。&n...  detail>>
卡 奴 尔
matt carroll  detail>>
汤 赞 奴 域
rudy tomjanovich  detail>>